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Add New User in MikroWizard

Add a New User #

1. Select the “Users Management” option from the main menu on the left side. #
  • To add a new user, click on the “+” button.

2. In the new page, you can enter the details of the new user, which include: #
  • Username
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Password

3. Manage Access Permissions: #
  • You can specify detailed access permissions for new users to various sections of the platform. Common sections may include Accounting, Backup, Device Group, Settings etc.
  • Each section consists of four levels of access, which you can configure:
    • Read: User can view content.
    • Write: Users can create and modify content.
    • Full: The user has complete access to all functionalities and can delete data.
    • None: No access to that section.

4. Group Access Permissions (if needed):
with this section,
you are assigning users to have access to your routers #
  • You can also assign the user access to existing groups. To do this, select the desired group name, choose the type of access level, and click the “+” button to add that group access for the user.
    • note : You can create customized permisions from permission menu

Finalize User Creation: #
  • After entering all the information and setting the appropriate permissions, click the “Add” button to create the new user account.

  • After creating a user, you can manage it on the “Users Management” page.
    • Use the options available in the “Action” section for each user to:
      • Delete the user if it is no longer needed.
      • Edit the user to change its name or modify its members.