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    • #7346

        Provide help and solutions for users facing technical issues or bugs with the app

      • #7939
        W A-HW A-H

          Scanning does not work.
          Is there a way to debug what exactly happens during scanning?
          I have my routers in 10.80.80.x/24 and can login from the mikrowizard docker container (also, api is working). Still, scanning -> no dice.

          Any help to find out what happens would be great.

          • #7959
            Support adminSupport admin

              Hi , Welcome to our Forums.
              Here is checklist for not able to find routers.

              To scan that range of IP address the start should be and the end IP should be
              Make sure MikroWizard server is able to access the router in the network . for example try ping one of your routers from server terminal.
              Make sure in the router the API under ip>services is enabled and not restricted to specific IP. you can restrict it to MikroWizard server IP if you want.
              make sure the API service port under ip>services is not changed!

              *note : there is two type of API service one is ssl and one is without ssl. currently MikroWizard uses the one without ssl.

              Make sure the username and password that you are using in search form is correct and has api access
              Make sure that no firewall is blocking the requests to TCP port of the MikroTik API form MikroWizard server

              • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
              • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by Support adminSupport admin.
              • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by Support adminSupport admin.
              • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
              • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
              • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
              • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
            • #8050
              W A-HW A-H

                I ssh into the MKT: log says “user mktwizard logged in from”
                API is active and is allowed.
                API testing with a client works, too

                root@mikrowizard:~/apiclient# python3 client.py
                <<< /login
                <<< =name=mktwizard
                <<< =password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                >>> !done

                on scanning:
                user, pass as above
                default port.

                I can even SEE the API login on the MKT
                but the device is not added.

                also – API from that device:

                <<< /system/routerboard/print
                <<>> !re
                >>> =routerboard=true
                >>> =model=CCR2004-1G-12S+2XS
                >>> =serial-number=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                >>> =firmware-type=al64
                >>> =factory-firmware=7.6
                >>> =current-firmware=7.15.3
                >>> =upgrade-firmware=7.15.3
                >>> !done

                Also, I can see the following commands being sent to MKT:

                output of resource and routerboard:
                =version=7.15.3 (stable)
                =build-time=2024-07-24 10:39:01

                =version=7.15.3 (stable)
                =build-time=2024-07-24 10:39:01


                • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by W A-HW A-H.
                • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by W A-HW A-H.
                1 user thanked author for this post.
              • #8060

                  Are you using the mikrowizard default username ? with other usernames, you can scan but it will not show until you assign it to groups/user!

                  Another possibility, I think maybe it is not starting at all! can you also please execute the following command and try scanning again
                  * note: please replace [DATABASEUSERNAME] in the command with your database username created during installation. you can find it in /opt/mikrowizard/server-conf.json

                  sudo docker exec -it MikroWizard-postgre psql -U [DATABASEUSERNAME] -d MikroWizardDB -c "UPDATE public.tasks SET status=false;"

                  And can you please grab the logs from mikroman container and send them to me?
                  Here is the instructions:

                  sudo docker exec mikroman bash -c "mkdir -p /logs; tar -cvpzf  /logs/log.tar.gz /app/uwsgi*.log"
                  sudo docker cp mikroman:/logs/log.tar.gz ./

                  It will create a file named log.tar.gz in your current executed location which includes mikoman logs. please send it to me:)
                  you can send an email to [email protected]

                  • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
                  • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
                • #8075
                  W A-HW A-H

                    MikroWizardDB=# select * from public.tasks
                    MikroWizardDB-# ;
                    id | signal | name | starttime | endtime | status
                    1 | 100 | check-update | 2024-08-05 14:36:42.848349 | 2024-08-05 14:36:42.848349 | f
                    2 | 110 | upgrade-firmware | 2024-08-05 14:36:42.849586 | 2024-08-05 14:36:42.849586 | f
                    3 | 120 | backup | 2024-08-05 14:36:42.850003 | 2024-08-05 14:36:42.850003 | f
                    5 | 140 | downloader | 2024-08-05 14:36:42.850873 | 2024-08-05 14:36:42.850873 | f
                    4 | 130 | scanner | 2024-08-05 14:36:42.850529 | 2024-08-05 14:36:42.850529 | f
                    7 | 160 | snipet-exec | 2024-08-08 10:41:21.267341 | 2024-08-08 10:41:21.267341 | f
                    6 | 150 | firmware-service | 2024-08-05 14:36:42.851269 | 2024-08-05 14:36:42.851269 | f

                    public.devices is empty, tho.
                    The devices GET logged in.

                    sending logs soon…

                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                • #7937
                  Alex ByrnesAlex Byrnes

                    Hi all, just giving MikroWizard a try… looks very promising.

                    I just can’t login with the default mikrowizard/mikrowizard username and password after the easy Docker install. Is there something I’m missing or a db field I can update to reset the pass?

                    Login Screen


                    • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
                    • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
                    • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
                    • #7966

                        somehow I think the database initialization is not done, maybe the install script needs improvement!
                        You can also open an issue in GitHub but I will provide you the steps to check it together!
                        I suspect that maybe the user-provided database info that we ask for during installation may be the root cause of the problem!
                        1. Please check /opt/mikrowizard/server-conf.json for the database username and password if the same as what you provided during installation
                        2. please execute the following commands in the terminal to try to re-initiate the database and records
                        * . please change [databaseusername] with the database username that you provided during installation

                        sudo docker exec -it MikroWizard-postgre psql -U [databaseusername] -d MikroWizardDB -c 'create extension "uuid-ossp"'
                        sudo docker exec -it mikroman /bin/bash -c "cd /app/;export PYTHONPATH=/app/py; export PYSRV_CONFIG_PATH=/conf/server-conf.json;python3 scripts/dbmigrate.py;"

                        * . you should see “migrate OK” at the end

                        docker exec -it MikroWizard-postgre psql -U [databaseusername] -d MikroWizardDB -f /init.sql

                        restart the machine/VM and check if it works!

                        If you get any errors during the executing above commands please let me know

                        if it is not working again please send output of following command

                        sudo docker ps -a
                        • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
                        • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
                        • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
                        • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
                        • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
                        • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
                      • #8154

                          Hey Alex,
                          We fixed the installation issue that was causing the database not to work. (the bug is caused by the use of some special characters in database passwords like @,# which is fixed in the commit

                          You can reinstall in clean Linux OR remove the current container by executing the following commands and then execute the installer again

                          sudo docker container stop MikroWizard-postgre && sudo docker container rm MikroWizard-postgre
                          sudo docker container stop mikrofront && sudo docker container rm mikrofront
                          sudo docker container stop redis-stack-server && sudo docker container rm redis-stack-server
                          sudo docker container stop mikroman && sudo docker container rm mikroman

                          Use the installer again to reinstall

                          1 user thanked author for this post.
                      • #8024

                        Hello ,
                        When I try to add new device , I see in Winbox that App is login and after that logout
                        user admin logged in from xxx via api
                        user admin logged out from xxx via api
                        And after that nothing
                        in log file I have these error
                        PROD ERR -WORKER@ 070824-13:13:37 bgtasks.py stating scan
                        PROD ERR -WORKER@ 070824-13:13:38 bgtasks.py no such command or directory (routerboard), no such command prefix

                        What can be the issue and how I can solve this

                        Best Regards

                        1 user thanked author for this post.
                        • #8025

                            during scan, we try to get some information from RouterOS with api .
                            It seems it fails to get information from “/system/routerboard” based on logs!
                            What is your router model and which version of routeros is installed?
                            Is the router you are using a VM or a router installed on a pc?
                            I think we forget to test te software with RouterOS on a pc or VM ๐Ÿ™‚

                            • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by adminadmin.
                        • #8049

                          Hello ,
                          my Mikrotik is last version 7.15.3 on CHR but is Virtual Machine based on KVM.

                          Best Regards

                          • #8054

                              I am really sorry for that , we didn’t test with x86/x64 versions of RouterOS . it is failing on routerboard command ,we are testing now and the update is coming in next 24h to support RouterOS on PC , VM , Server

                              1 user thanked author for this post.
                          • #8055

                            Hello ,
                            Thank you for your information and support ๐Ÿ™‚
                            I will update when update is available

                            Best Regards

                            • #8126

                                I just wanted to inform you that we pushed the update and you will be able to use it with RouterOS x86 installations.
                                Since updating instructions currently is a little bit complicated and your setup is new and without important information, I recommend installing a fresh one from the beginning.
                                Of course after the first release updates will be automatic ๐Ÿ™‚

                                1 user thanked author for this post.
                            • #8319
                              Maxim NizovtsevMaxim Nizovtsev

                                how to stop or modify scanning?
                                scanning range is set to *.*.0.0 – *.*.255.255
                                Scanning is not working for me, RB logs says: user admin logged in from *.*.*.* via api

                              • #8321
                                Maxim NizovtsevMaxim Nizovtsev

                                  Scanning is not adding device if device have more than one ip address
                                  it means if i have network /26 on my router and router have adresses *.*.*.10 and *.*.*.65 scanner don’t add it in base
                                  Please add button in devices for just add device without scanning
                                  i have device with ip *.*.*.10 and for adding in base i use scanner settings *.*.*.9-*.*.*.11 if scan settings is *.*.*.10-*.*.*.10 – router don’t add in base

                                • #8334

                                  Hello Guys and keep up the good work
                                  i do have a very strange problem while adding a new router
                                  even though api is running and can be contacted by telnet though mikrowizard server

                                  this is the log provided though scan action
                                  “”,””,”Not MikroTik or Device/Api Port not accessible”

                                  this is a telnet request though the mikrowizard server
                                  mikrotik@mikrotik:~$ telnet 8728
                                  Connected to
                                  Escape character is ‘^]’.

                                  i can see the established connection in my router when telnet is active
                                  also i can ssh though the mikrowizard server too to the router. so no restriction to ports
                                  os version on router is 7.14.1

                                  Please advise

                                  • #8336

                                      If you are sure that everything is ok the only thing that comes to mind is that maybe the connection is a little bit slow and it gets timeout.
                                      or maybe the docker container is unable to access the api? please try the telnet from the docker container itself. maybe it is getting blocked.
                                      Use following command to access docker shell :

                                      sudo docker exec -it mikroman bash

                                      and if you need telnet for testing just install with apt

                                      apt install telnet
                                      • This reply was modified 2 months ago by adminadmin.
                                      • This reply was modified 2 months ago by adminadmin.
                                  • #8339

                                    hello and thank you for your reply
                                    this is the result of telnet within the container. connection is open
                                    root@mikrotik:/app# telnet 8728
                                    Connected to
                                    Escape character is ‘^]’.
                                    telnet> close
                                    Connection closed.


                                  • #8345


                                    that seems to fixed the issue, ive increased the timeout to 1s and seems to work, thank you for that
                                    can i ask something else for some reason, when i tried to scan my last router to the network, it stucked on scanning network wizard
                                    ive tried to reboot the server and restart the app, when i click back to scanner. can you please tell me how to revert from that state?

                                    thanks again

                                  • #8346

                                      Execute the following from your host machine to change the state

                                      sudo docker exec -it MikroWizard-postgre psql -U [databaseusername] -d MikroWizardDB -c 'UPDATE public.tasks	SET status=false;'

                                      * . please change [databaseusername] with the database username that you provided during installation

                                    • #8351
                                      Anton IvanovAnton Ivanov

                                        How to get back Scanner Wizard? I have indicated the wrong range of addresses for scanning and now pressing the โ€œScannerโ€ button immediately begins an attempt to scan

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