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    • #7344

        Encourage users to share their feedback, suggestions, and ideas for improving the app experience

      • #7979
        Ralf NeumannRalf Neumann

          First impressions:

          * nice and smooth installation on Proxmox with Ubuntu LXC
          * nice GUI!


          * default user: cannot add backup task – filled out everything for one device, but empty task list! CRON should show some example. When you add a new device it should be selected as active (checkmark set).
          * now as I have a backup, clicking on “show backup” nothing happens – GUI (safari on AppleSilicon and LibreWolf on Windows x64) freezes.
          * default user: Edit 2nd User: cannot add new permission (Default Group – Full) therefore 2nd user does not see my device

          * Your website: no logout / user management link found
          * Is there any setting for a backups to keep only last n backups, days, weeks,…. ?

          3 users thanked author for this post.
          • #7991

              Hello Relf,
              Welcome to the MikroWizard Team,
              Seems you figured it out with cron , as you already mentioned cron needs examples and of course, needs to show an Error message with the wrong cron to the user 🙂
              here is a website with examples of cron that you can use before we add some in the Front app

              About the permissions please make sure you are clicking on the plus icon in front of the list! as following image:
              First of all please select the device group and permission on the list
              1. click on the plus icon
              2. you should see it added to the list
              3. click save to save permissions added

              About the website is reported to team and the profile link will be added today

              1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #7993

                About the backup not showing! did you change the default location of backups during installation?
                can you please check /opt/mikrowizard/server-conf.json to check the lines that specify the backup and firmware folder on your server? ( don’t send other lines as it may expose passwords and cipher key)

              • #7999
                Ralf NeumannRalf Neumann

                  No, I did not change the defaults. Values are just like above.

                  During installation I only set the RADIUS IP to ( Maybe this could be default? )

                  root@MikroWizard:/opt/mikrowizard/backup/E4:8D:XX:XX:XX:XX/2024-08-07# ls

                  .txt file contains export. Backup seems to work.

                  Other observation; .json says /firms/ but ‘ls’ shows

                  /opt/mikrowizard# ls
                  backup  firmwares  server-conf.json

                  and firmwares is empty even as I downloaded 7.15.3 and its shows up in “Firmware in repository”

                  2 users thanked author for this post.
                • #8008
                  Ralf NeumannRalf Neumann

                    Pemissions: easy an 1 – 2 – 3 🙂

                    Correct order fixed the problem. Thanks!

                    2 users thanked author for this post.
                • #8348
                  tara jamalvanditara jamalvandi

                    This site is amazing!

                  • #8350
                    Anton IvanovAnton Ivanov

                      How to get back Scanner Wizard? I have indicated the wrong range of addresses for scanning and now pressing the “Scanner” button immediately begins an attempt to scan

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